What the Hell Is Happening Here?

A little history before I get to the point. I'm the analytical type. I question everything and believe nothing until I find the evidence/ proof that makes it real. An example of this would be the paranormal experiences that I have had happening to me since I was little. I have never believed in, nor have I understood the whole ghost and superstition side of life. I also never thought to question it until I got older. Maybe that's why I need to see proof before I believe. Who knows.

So that being said, here's my point. I have noticed a connection between wifi devices in the house and weird things happening that weren't happening when we had solid state box TV's with no wifi, flat screens, smart technology or wireless devices.

I have lived in my home for 15 years now. I've never had any creepy feelings nor did I sense ghosts or any other spiritual presence in the house. I felt safe here. We didn't have wifi at first. We only had one computer and it was hard wired. The TV's were box style with tubes and other items I know nothing about inside of them. The bulbs were halogen. The only wireless device we had here was the TV remote.
13 years later we have a smart house and everything is wireless and controlled by wifi. That seems to be the same timeline for shadow figures showing up in my room trying to smother me in my sleep. At first I rationalized it away thinking I may have sleep apnea and I just stopped breathing  at night.
What I wasn't able to rationalize was the part where I woke up from the nightmare where I was being smothered to find a black figure standing over my bed looking at me. I wasn't sure if I was dreaming I was awake or I was really awake. I had no knowledge of shadow figures. I thought it was just my subconscious telling me I am strong enough to face what happened to me as a child and finally process the feelings I had buried in order to survive that ordeal

How I found out what is happening my house:
I was watching a ghost show on TV because that's what we do for kicks on Halloween. For the first little while it was just entertainment to me. I didn't believe in the supernatural despite my own experiences with it growing up. I was never able to connect the dots. All of a sudden this TV show is explaining shadow figures and describing what they look like. [Picture in your mind, if you will, my jaw hitting the floor] The shows narrator explained the different things these entities will do to you. Suffocation was on the list. OMFG this thing was real? It's not my imagination?  What the holy hell is going on here. NOPE! I need more proof. I need to know more about this. It doesn't make sense. How can this be? Talk about being ripped out of your comfort zone. Okay so this is where the investigator in me gets busy. I was all over the internet and tuning in to this show trying to get more information. You see I still had holes in my information that needed to be filled before the puzzle was complete and I was able to accept this new reality.

Now I am hearing that wifi and other high tech devices are altering our brainwaves so we can now see and communicate with the dead and the weird things that were invisible to us for centuries. Is this what the bible was talking about when they described the apocalypse? I mean seriously. If you think about it in analytical terms:

Apocalypse (ἀποκάλυψις) is a Greek word meaning "revelation", "an unveiling or unfolding of things not previously known and which could not be known apart from the unveiling". As a genre, apocalyptic literature details the authors' visions of the end times as revealed by an angel or other heavenly messenger.

Now connect the dots on what I have just said. 

Decide for yourself. 

This photo was taken at 9PM last night. It was dark outside.  I noticed the photo was blurred and the Echo Show had a lens flare coming out of it. The original photo was taken to show a friend the puppy steps at the end of my bed that were made for the insecure puppy I adopted. I took a second shot to try and get a clearer photo for my friend. 

No big deal right?  Well just for kicks I decided to zoom in on the lens flare to get a better look at it and that's when it stopped making sense. You see the Show is not parallel to the bed. It is about 6 inches forward of the headboard. So my analytical side is telling me that logically, the lens flare should not be going behind a headboard that is 6 inches behind the unit. The two are not lined up for that to happen. Normal flares go straight out from the source. That means the flare in this photo should be going in front of the headboard not in back of it. 

I showed the photos to a few people I know who are into this kind of thing and they both said there is definitely something paranormal going on. I cut the power to the Show and went to sleep. If that thing can let spooks into my room it isn't going to happen while I'm sleeping. 



This second shot was taken shortly after I spotted the flare in the first photo to replace the blurry one. I also wanted to debunk what I was thinking. I thought it was just me not holding the camera steady. 

See what I mean now? This kind of thing has been happening to me all of my life. 


When I was growing up there was no cell phones, no wireless devices, no internet, no WiFi. We didn't have video games or computers in our homes. We played outside, got banged up, beat up , and dirty. We didn't eat factory food laced with all of these mind and body altering chemicals. We didn't have an obese population In fact everyone was healthy and active.  We made our own meals and we ate organic foods grown and produced on the farms.

I've seen shows on the paranormal that say the appliance radiation, cell phone signals, wifi  is altering brain chemistry and causing people to see more spooky things.
This is where it gets confusing. I've been sensing ghostly presence and showing all kinds of psychic abilities since I was seven years old. It wasn't the radiation or internet equipment back then. None of that stuff existed and no one believed in the paranormal or psychics. So you can imagine how upset I was to find out I really am psychic and psychics do exist. They just don't join the circus and read palms for money.
Something else I heard is this:
While technology is moving towards 5G the earth is moving into 5D. What does that even mean?



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