Silly Bitch

For you morons out there that think you're fooling the world with your childish mind games.
Two things: 1.) You're half right. You are a fool.
2.) Anyone with a brain can see right through your pathetic behavior.

As for the current Silly bitch that has been darkening my doorstep: I've been listening to your lies and watching you play your silly little mind games on me without reacting despite how annoying it was for me. Against my better judgment, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. All that did was encourage more betrayal and lies from you. I gave you 7 of my customers to help you  get started. You chased every last one of them away with your slacking off and lord only knows what else you got busted for. What did you think was going to happen? Were you hoping to hide behind my name so you could make me look bad and destroy everything I had worked so hard for?  What is so pathetic about your life that you think it's okay to betray the one person who gave you everything you have now?

When I am finally at the end of my rope with your petty behavior and I call you out to make it stop, you do the predictable thing and play the victim card. It never ends with you does it? Always crying foul when you get busted. Never taking responsibility for your actions or apologizing for your mistakes. No you have divert attention onto your preserved attacker in a petty attempt to keep the truth hidden.

You lied to me and betrayed my trust at every turn. You chased away every customer I gave you. Even after I spent...excuse me....wasted...... 3 months of my life and half of my income teaching you how to be self-employed in my industry you have the nerve to try and destroy what I worked hard to build. I have been more than fair and a hell of a lot more patient with your two-faced bull shit and your constant betrayal of trust. I have to admit it gets old fast watching you try to be me and ignoring good advice for the bad advice you act on. It annoys the hell out of me to watch your jealousy make a constant fool out of you and there you are calling me a back-stabber and a so called friend. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. You need to take a long hard look in the mirror lady cuz you are your own worst enemy.

That being said;  let me clear up the confusion you seem to be blinded by. The only back stabbing bitch is you. Everything I have I FUCKING EARNED. I WORKED MY ASS OFF FOR MONTHS AND TOOK NOTHING FROM ANYONE. I built my business from the ground up with not so much as an ounce of emotional support from anyone including my family. I busted my ass for months to prove I was serious and I earned everything I have.
Unlike you who only wants the money and doesn't give a fuck about anyone but yourself. You thought you were so fucking smart calling me down for being who I am and running my business the way I do. I can't tell you how annoyed I was listening to you on your pedestal passing judgment on my business skills. Calling me down trying to make me think that going above and beyond is a bad thing and trying to convince me I am wasting my time. How's that working out for you? I see you spend more time on line than you do working. More lies or did your half assed self-righteous approach to life cost you all your customers? Si that why you get nervous when I come into your territory? You know I can take any one of your customers without batting an eye simply because I am far better at my job than you and maybe my way is the right way.
So play your silly little mind games and say whatever you want about me bitch. If it makes you feel better about yourself who cares. The truth is on my side and we both know that. otherwise why would you have such a bad reaction to such a vague post?
So the next time you push someone's jealousy button, make sure they have one. When I called you out on your stupidity consider yourself fortunate that I was subtle about it and did not call you out by name. It's called class. Something you'll never have because all you ever think about is yourself and you try to destroy anything that is better than what you have because you are a small minded coat tail riding loser just like I said. Suck it up buttercup. No one put a gun to your head and forced you to make those stupid decisions. You did this to yourself. So grow up and take responsibility for your life.


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